Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Today is the day that we have all been waiting for. It's the one time of the year that we can guarantee people will visit with pictures and stories about their Naked Turkey experience.

Ours has a typical theme. Samantha went shopping for Thanksgiving on Monday, and saw an 11 pound turkey, and a 22 pound turkey. She thought, "If I'm gonna cook a turkey, then I may as well cook a big one; then we can eat leftovers for a month." So we have a 22 pound turkey, and we are using a new recipe that Samantha's mother found the Real Simple website; Roast Turkey with Paprika and Thyme. Lord knows that all we have is time on a day like today.

So, without further adieu, I present our 22 pound Naked Turkey that weighs 8 pounds less than Zachary.

Now here is one with the spices rubbed on top.


Brooke said...

very nice!!! Looks like it was a BIG turkey! And yummy spices too...
Sounds like it was a great day and I am curious to see how the Pupmkin Chocolate Cheescake turned out!!

Martha & Kevin said...

Looks lovely!! And I'm sure the leftovers will be wonderful!! I took some from Brooke's and can't wait for the sandwich!