Sunday, February 11, 2007

This is what Sunday is all about!

Yes, it's a dog's life around here! Mookie shows his human companions how to REALLY enjoy a Sunday afternoon!! Kevin took the advice to heart and cuddled in bed to watch TV! Of course Kevin's blankets aren't fresh from the dryer though!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

AAAWWWW.... I have got to figure out how to post pictures.... I have just uploaded a CD on the computer that is supposed to compliment the English digital camera Richard's mom gave us. Hopefully that works...

Then, I can post my sleeping dogs pictures..... and Cat pictures because there are some good ones....

WOW, Mookie is uuuummmm a bit thick!!! =) I have finally gotten Lanzera to show me her ribs again as she was overweight by a TON!