It seems like in all the Hollywood movies, you go to Grandmother's house for Thanksgiving. Well, Mookie got to do that. Didn't get to see her much 'cause they don't get along, but he did get to go to her house. The rest of us had a great time at Brooke's! She cooked a terrific turkey and lots of veggies! I'm still stuffed!! Kevin got to watch a little football and unfortunately the Cowboys won! But I guess his fantasy players did well so he has something to be thankful for!! So here are a few pictures of the day. Including one of me apparently feeling Martha Stewartish!
Looks like a fun time was had by all. However, it also looks like Kevin was fixing his comb-over.
Brandon, did you forget that you are supposed to be nice right before Christmas? First you call Rich fat, then you call Kevin bald, I'm thinkin' there's a lump of coal in your stocking future!!!
I have trouble remembering that the camera does alter a person's appearance.
you can say that again, Martha....
I just sent a text to him (I feel like I am getting after my dad for his stupid comments).... Weight is not an issue to be brought up with anyone, especially a metro sexual who is HUGE on appearance (not to mention twice your size).... so for future reference I would leave weight out of the picture or compliment the fact that he has actually lost about 20 pounds in the 4 years since we have been married!!! Regardless of if people are trying to be funny, just an FYI on the subject that will piss Rich off enough to have him become someone you have never seen before! :) Of course, feel free to pick on my weight all you want.... we are family after all! :)
Anyways, I think that settles that..... The dinner was GREAT and the company even better.... I am glad Kevin got my good side to compare the turkey too!!
Wow Brandon!! Who knew you could get in so much trouble with just a few words!! And Kevin hasn't yet had to resort to the comb-over. Mostly cause he can't see his bald spot! Whoops, now I'm in trouble!!
As I told Brooke this morning, I was mearly trying to say that Brooke must be a good cook because Richard hasn't withered away. I never thought that he was overweight anyway.
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