So I have the beginning photos from today. Kevin/Martha have the rest that they will post at another time... they are driving still on their way home. The time spent was wonderful and all too short! Aron and his friend/coworker Rich enjoyed dinner with us. It was great time and the food was delicious..... thanks for all your help Martha. The Pumpkin Pie was DELICIOUS!!!

I am going to post momentarily....But wanted to thank you for your hospitality Brooke! We had a great time and it was sure nice to be with you for awhile!! Sorry your Rich wasn't there.
And I wonder if your brothers know what a good cook you are?!? The turkey was delicious, again!!!
Brooke has been gone so long that I have no idea how good a cook she might be. She can't be half bad because Rich hasn't lost any weight since the've been married. He must be eating pretty well. That, or he is visiting McDonald's regularly.
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