Natalie and I found out recently that our baby will be a girl. Not sure how much of a girl it will be, but it will certainly be female. I'm very very excited to know this news. As soon as we found out we hit the Lowe's and bought the paint for her room. The strangest thing is that a few days before finding out we finally decided what we would name a girl. We shall call her Kara Diane Hopkins. Kara is a bit of a tribute to how Natalie and I met, Kara Goucher being one of our favorite runners. Diane is a tribute to mom. Not sure if mom liked the name Diane or not, but we're using it.

Happy for both of you. I can't paint the room that early. Must have a theme, furniture, and a complete design first.
Very exciting stuff! What is the color of the room? Kevin and I were discussing today that our families are going to increase the population of San Antonio by 3 this year! Kind of an odd thought. And definately a good reason to getour butts out there sometime.
I like the name. Not sure if Sally liked Diane either to tell you the truth, but I still like the name.
I like the name too. Are you going to have a theme? Room color is??? Bubble gum pink? She is going to be a girly girl if you like it or not... I said the same thing about Jazzy.... no pinks or purples.... ooops!! :) They are too cute when they are dressed up.
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