Monday, July 21, 2008

Trip to Northwest

Sorry that i haven't posted anything on here since I have gotten back from my vacation. I have yet to have a day off and have been working a ton of hours every day.

I had a blast on my 9 days off, really enjoyed both Oregon and Washington. I couldn't have planned anything any better. I really had a great time not having anything in particular to do. I got to see a little of Portland, and absolutely loved the area and the weather. The 30 degree weather change may have had something to do with that, plus the lack of humidity definitely helped. I was able to also start running again which was great with the cool mornings.

While I was in Seattle I got to get out and see some things in Washington that I didn't know existed. Rich took me out to Saquamie (spelling?) Falls which is quite impressive. We were out there walking the trails and trying to find the most difficult and shortest distance to scale the rocks and boardwalk. It was a lot of fun, and a good change from the mundane days that I normally have outdoors. It's a little tough to do anything in Houston outdoors when it's 100 degrees and humid...We also had some great food while I was out in Seattle, in addition to the great places that Martha mentioned in her post. We even got a chance to bbq on the Sunday before I left which just topped off the vacation perfectly.

Thanks again Martha/Kevin and Brooke/Rich for putting up with me in your homes for a while. I really had a great time spending time with everyone. i can only hope that soon I will get an opportunity to end up out there permanently.


kyle said...

By the way when I mention that I couldn't have planned anything any better, i'm referring to the fact that nothing was actually planned. It was nice to not have anything specific that I had to do.:)

Martha & Kevin said...

I think it would be awesome if you got a job out here!! Want me to go picket in front of Nike for you????

Brooke said...

I will picket with you....
Kyle definitely needs to come here!!
We had a great time with you here and we loved that there was nothing that HAD to be done, but was just spontaneous trips to random places!!
Come back in Dec. You can join the crowd....
Dad, Linda, Margaret, David, Aron, Rich, Me, and of course baby Jazzy!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun Kyle. Brooke we are planning on coming up in March when Samantha will have Spring Break. Besides, I think that you will have enough hands and opinions after Jazzy comes.