So, there are pictures from my first stop in San Antonio, TX with the family and of course baby Zachary! What a good looking family!! If you look closely enough at the next picture, Zachary has a wedgie!!! HAHA

Then, there are pictures in Salt Spring, Canada with Richard's brother Philip, sister-in-law Suzanne, and neice Gabrielle. It is such a great location with a great view and fun island life! We opened the XMAS poppers and of course they each have a crown that you have to wear during the day!

Those are some good looking people.
I love the party hats / crowns you all are wearing - looks like you were having a good time together. I can't believe you posted a picture of my son's wedgie for all the world to see! Okay, maybe not the whole world since it seems that just about 5 people actually post to this, but they are the 5 that really matter! If Z is emotionally hurt by this pic when he gets old enough to understand, it will be Auntie Brooke's fault!
If Z is worried about his wedgie at 3 months old, than I would hate to see how he is when he is in public and has a wedgie so high up his crack when he picks it he has to get on his tippy toes and lose 3 fingers! Now that would be more emotionally scarring than a baby picture of a diaper wedgie! HAHAHA
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