You know what the summer means; that's right, it's time for Kenny Chesney!
This year, Pat Green and Sugarland joined him in San Antonio. It was a rockin' concert even though we did not get into the venue until 8, and the concert started at 7. We missed Pat Green, but he apparently only played 6 songs anyway. Sugarland sounded good as we were walking in. Mr. Chesney sounded wonderful, but I think that the treble could have been a little lower, my ears were hurting.
I have included a few pics from the concert.
Sorry that our pictures are not crisp, apparently we messed with some settings. It should be better now.
Brooke, you better take some and post them here as well.
I will definately include pictures of my Kenny visit! I cnanot wait!! I am really hoping that the clarity this time will be much better as I was more than disappointed the last time when you could not hear a single word!! =(
I thought Kenny was killed.
Oh no... Kenny was not killed.... what you talkin' 'bout Willis???
Kenny is definately alive and kickin'!!
I will post pictures after we go!
Trevor arrives today.... YIPPEE!!
Martha, I left you a message on your cell phone.... Woudl you guys like to come to Seattle for the 4th??? We will more than likely be on the boat all day!!!
They killed Kenny?!?!?
You know, "South Park". Gosh you kids are so out of touch today!!
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