Happy Birthday to me....
Happy Birthday to me....
Happy Birthday dear best sister, neice, and wife....
Happy Birthday to me!!!!
I hope you guys are doing well....
Martha we need to talk about a possible moving closer to eachother situation that Brandon told me about.... Does a state starting with "O" sounds familiar??? Fill me in girl!!!!

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Well, I was coming on here to wish you a Happy Birthday, but I guess I don't have to now!! And yes we are looking into moving to Oregon. (Gee I hope my boss doesn't still have the address for this blog on her computer!!) We are going up to Portland the weekend of the 16th to kind of scope it out a bit. Kevin used to live in the area, so he knows a little bit more about it than I do. But we visited up there a few years ago and I liked it then. So we may actually get to see you now and then!
So how are you liking the idea of being an aunt?? Pretty cool, huh?!? I was so excited when I got the flyer that Brandon sent that I started crying. Kevin was afraid that something was wrong!! But they were happy tears!!
So what are your big plans for your birthday? Are you going out to dinner or having a big party or WHAT??? Have fun whatever you do!
My birthday was great in the morning. I was sent on a scavenger hunt around the house, with my Princess Tiara on, looking for gifts in hiding spots that clues directed me to. It was great. Digital Camera will be used tons and pictures will be posted at some point.
Then, that night was a bummer.... we had soccer practice, which was great, and then had 7 missed calls from England.... =( Richard's father had a heart attack. He is doing GREAT!! He had an angioplasty on one artery and has to go back for another one in 4 weeks. YIKES!! All is good now, he is feeling much better already!
I am trying to work on Richard about adding a cousin to the family, but he isn't quite budging.... =(
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