Monday I took a few pictures of my cubicle it all it's Christmas finery. And do you know that I didn't get a single hippo for Christmas?!? Had to buy them all myself!! Probably a good thing I didn't get any more. Some day I will take a picture of the awesome Swatch hippo watch I found a few months ago!! So me!!
On Monday, when I took these pictures, I was one of about 9 people that came in to an office that is usually filled with about 85 - 90 people. Got in about 8:45 and then got a ride home with someone who was brave enough to drive. We left about two and when I got home, I discovered that the lights were out!! The went out sometime Monday morning and were out until sometime Tuesday morning. So we took the mattress off the guest bed and slept in front of the fireplace. Here is an exciting picture of it below......
So, somehow we muddled through and made it to Christmas. We just had a couple of small gifts for each other as we both were going to have Friday off and planned to hit the after Christmas sales.
I got a Life Is Good shirt and some socks!! Mookie checked it out and approved. It has a dog on it so it's all good!!
As it turned out, both of us ended up having to work on Friday what with missing so much work and other people not being able to make it in. So we hit the mall on Friday night and then went out again on Saturday morning. I made quite a haul!!! Have been doing laundry ever since we got home Saturday to get all the stuff clean.
Back to work tomorrow, and then we are expecting Kevin's nephew Chris, and his wife Ashley to come up from Redding, CA on Wednesday to celebrate New Years!! I hope that they are able to get over the mountain passes and all the snow to get up here. Once they get here, there should be no problem. Believe it or not, almost all of our snow has now melted away........