I went to Philips today for another ultrasound and got some photos of Jasmine. It is exactly 2 months from today (of course it could be early or later).... It is unbelievable how fast the time has gone and now I am sure the time will go by incredibly slow!! :) I love her little nose!! (I think it looks like mine and she definitely has my lips!!) Cheeks, well those look like Richard's and the technician said she has hair on her head and eyelashes too! I am sure she'll look nothing like this when she arrives as she is filling out with the chubby-ness that newborns have, but I can't wait!

One more photo for you to see. I will send the rest in an email.
The nursery was painted this week and the furniture needs to be moved up to the room. I dread the task of putting the crib together, but once it is done it is just a matter of putting clothes in the dressers and gathering items from the 4 baby showers I am having.... I can't imagine there is enough stuff for people to purchase for Jazzy, but all the teams and work were insistant on having a shower so here we go....