Here I am 8 1/2 hours after getting my 3 wisdom teeth removed. Can you tell I'm not real happy about it?
Actually, the procedure itself didn't go too bad, since I was knocked out! First time I have ever been under general anthesisia. Not bad! Woo hoo! But they said that I did have a tooth that was up against the bone, so that was a little harder to extract. That is why they tell you to have it done when you are younger, so that they don't have time to grow. But even with all that, they said that the actual extraction of all 3 teeth only took 20 minutes! We got there at 9am and were out by 10!! Kevin was nice enough to take me and wait for me! He said he felt like the waiting room was an assembly line. They were calling people back constantly. One of the nurses told me that the surgeon does 20 extractions a day!! Kevin is just lucky that they didn't hustle him back there and pop his mouth open too!
As you can imagine, I have spent the rest of the day icing my face and napping. So far all I have had to eat is a cup of pudding and a yogurt. I will try for some soup a little later. It is about 6:30 and I am trying to fight off the urge to sleep after my last pill. I want to be able to sleep tonight!
I suppose my face will be all swollen tomorrow. That is when it is supposed to be the worst. I am already noticing it on my right had side where they removed two teeth. Plus it is starting to bruise. More pictures of that later!!! :>)
Hey Kevin, can you pass me another Vicodin?!?!?!?!