It was lasagna, cheese tart, caesar salad, and garlic bread for Christmas dinner in San Antonio. Kyle and Terri brought Strawberry Cheesecake from Harry and David - yum-o! No tryptophan induced naps for us, the Cowboys did that for us this time. We cried ourselves to sleep, but they are still better than the Bucs!
We are getting ready to head off to Red Bluff today. We are going to spend the night and open presents there bright and early in the morning. Or maybe not so early. And maybe not so bright. They are forecasting rain on Monday. Bah humbug!!
December 2nd was Kevin's @#*th Birthday! That also would have been Mom's 80th. We kept pretty busy for the day. We went and played golf with our friend Tom. I actually got a bogey on one hole!! Whoo hoo!! It must have been the extra large shot of Butterscotch Schnapps that I put in my coffee. You know, just a little sweetener!
After golf we came home and rested a little bit. Then we went to dinner, stopping in Davis to put some flowers on Mom's grave. Well that was the plan at least. While I was standing in line to pay for the flowers (I'd been in line about 10 minutes already) I realized that I didn't have my wallet in my purse. I had forgotten to put it back in after golf. Oops! So we just went to the cemetary and I gave her my tears for her birthday.
We went to The Buckhorn in Winters for dinner. I think most have you have been there at some time or another. Great steaks and bread! Yum!! But poor Kevin had to pay for his own Birthday dinner! That's what happens when you are the older and wiser half.
I just added a link to a fun site that Kevin found. Elf Yourself is part of a bunch of silly stuff Office Max put together. Just silly Holiday themed stuff to waste your time with!
I will be adding some photos here in the next day or two. Hope someone sees them......